
Michael Bolton

Okay, back.

This comfort purgatory, an oxymoron for me to delightfully label this place, feels the same. The kind of feeling when you get home after a long trip and you don't feel any trace of changes. That's happening right about now, inside of me. And I certainly can vouch that this is all natural per se.

Well, the previous four songs that "currently" matter at that time has been up for quite some time. But not on the itunes playlist for sure anymore. Except 'Norway'. It has some funny magic that every once in a while, works its ways on me, yeah, in ways you can't even imagine. Thank 'you' old pal for introducing it if you're still reading this, though that's very unlikely as we have been out of touch for quite some time.

And I have been out of things to write.

Not by choice.


But it's all because of the most common killer in the world called,


(yes, even now)

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