

It is usually 8 AM, most of the time i wake up. Sundays, Wednesdays, Labour Day, you name it. Though it's always best to wake up at 8 on a Saturday. You'll be surprised with the kinds of people making their way to the normal morning eateries here. The early birds, the successful people, the outdoor crowd, you name it.

Except, you don't have to be really successful to earn a seat there. There are no qualifications to drink tea while eating some indian-taste carbs. You just have to be early. Sitting, while looking around. The wealthy people brings along their children. The good looking, the well groomed, the beautiful ones, you name it. Beautiful people, banana leaves, good food. Those are what I like about this place.

"Why do you like to eat here?" she asked.

"Err, I eat here" I answered while pouring some curry onto my food ,"Because my father took everyone in the family here since we were little,"

"So it's kinda like your father bought a lifetime club membership for the whole family here," she said. "What else can you get here besides food, free massage?"

I never reply a single word when she says something she thinks its clever, just to get at me. I make a face, like an expression of smiling and being angry at the same time. Everyone has one. I have one. There's even a special template for her.

"Hey do you remember back in Brisbane?" she asked.

"About what?" I answered.

"We used to do a lot of walking together, we were kaki jalans"

Our houses were close while we were living there as students, and yes, I do remember a lot of walking were involved between us. Once, she called me at seven in the morning just to walk with her to the grocery for a loaf of bread and her daily consumption of bananas. Next, we were walking aimlessly in the city just to tune down the boredom level on a weekend. Then, we stopped taking the bus to the next suburb and instead, we started walking every time we needed to be at a friend's house there. One very long walk.

"Yes I remember, we were the first in the group to walk across the new bridge cause you couldn't wait, I took you there," I replied.

"And do you remember when we found those chocolate brownies at the flea market, in the city, they were the best, everyone thanked us for introducing them" she said.

"Good times"

"Yes, definitely good times" she smiled.

I am now under the impression that she remembers a lot of stuff that we did together back there. I finished eating, lit a cigarette and took a sip of the tea."We were fun back then, we took those walks effortlessly where maybe someone else would have complained"

"We sure did talk a lot as well" I added. "How can we not combine talk and walk into one fun matter,"

"You sure about that?" she asked, giggling.

"Didn't we?" I replied.

"Well, most of the time, you sure did talk a lot and complained about some other girl you're not talking to anymore now," she laughed. "It was fun for me to listen to,"

Cheap shot sister, but that was true. She remembers more than I do.

I was then left under the impression that every time she opens her mouth, she'll say something she thinks its clever, just to get back at me. Past flings, bad haircuts, stupid jokes, you name it. The kind of words that actually you don't mind taking from a friend that has shared so many. Good times.

The Killers - Enterlude & Exitlude

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